All about the labour market as well as how to find and apply for jobs in Austria for expats looking to move to the country.
Welcome to Carinthia, the southern most part of Austria, full of mountains and lakes and nice people, good job opportunities and a wide range of activities to enjoy. If you are looking for an environment where job, family, health and wellbeing are compatible, Carinthia is the place for you. So, what are your first steps you need to take to start working here in Carinthia?
Step 1: Orientation Services
Get to know your potential new home by taking part in our tailor-made orientation trips through Carinthia.
Step 2: Relocation Services
Are you confused by all the documents needed for your arrival? Don’t worry, we have professional support and checklists ready for you.
Step 3: Labour Market
Before starting your professional life here, you should get to know how the labour market is structuredhere, what the average salary is and what your rights are. Here we go!
Step 4: Dual Career Couples
You are well settled and happy in your new job. However, your partner has not yet found the right job. So, how can we help here? With our Service for Dual couples. We coach partners of employees or member companies on their path to finding a suitable job or setting up their own business in Carinthia.