Activity Overview
Fun Things to Do
Whether you are just arriving at your new home, or taking a deep breath or starting afresh - Carinthia's location in the immediate vicinity of Italy and Slovenia opens up space for new perspectives and connections. Not only geographically. Those who live in Austria's southernmost province also encounter deceleration, slow food regions and a paradise for explorers.
Now it is time to find likeminded people to start exploring! And there is no better place in Carinthia then one of our many networking opportunities. Here you can meet and chat with new people, make new friends or exchange work life experiences to develop business contacts. Our networking activities range from very casual morning meetings in coffee shops, to large scale cultural events involving fun games and sporting activities as well as expert talks about living and working in Carinthia and Welcome Days in our offices, where you receive all the information you need for a successful start in your new home.
Explore Carinthia, experience a new culture and learn the language.