The structure of the Austrian school system
- Primary schools (Volksschule/VS)
6 to 10 years of age (1st to 4th school year)
- New middle schools
(Neue Mittelschule/NMS) and general high schools (Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule/AHS) – lower grade 10 to 14 years (5th to 8th school year)
- Polytechnic school (PTS) 14 to 15 years (9th school year)
- Dual education: Apprenticeship and vocational school
from 15 years (2 to 4 years)
- General high schools (AHS) – upper grade and vocational schools
from 14 to 18 years

Primary schools (Volksschule/VS)
6 to 10 years of age (1st to 4th school year)
The first day of school is the second Monday in September for children, who have completed their 6th year before the school start, provided they are ready. If this is not the case, it is possible to arrange with the school management for the child to attend pre-school.
New middle schools
(Neue Mittelschule/NMS) and general high schools (Allgemeinbildende höhere Schule/AHS) – lower grade
10 to 14 years (5th to 8th school year)
The NMS is open to all pupils. They receive advice based on their strengths, allowing them to make more informed decisions on their further education and career at the end of their schooling. The AHS lower grade is aimed at high-performing pupils, with the goal of providing an in-depth general education along with making pupils more independent.
Polytechnic school (PTS)
14 to 15 years (9th school year)
The polytechnic school follows on from the 8th grade and comprises one school year. The pupils are prepared for the rest of their lives - especially for working life - by deepening their general education, vocational orientation and basic vocational education. An orientation phase at the beginning of the school year and vocational orientation as a teaching principle in all subjects offer a variety of opportunities to get to know the world of work. Career choice is supported by company and career explorations in training workshops and extracurricular institutions as well as by days of practical work experience (taster apprenticeships) in companies.
Dual education: Apprenticeship and vocational school
From 15 years (2 to 4 years)
An apprenticeship is open to all teenagers who have completed nine years of compulsory school. The training takes place in two locations: in a company where the apprenticeship takes place, and in a vocational school. The apprenticeship (mostly three years) is completed with a final apprenticeship examination.
There is also the opportunity of an apprenticeship with Matura (mostly four years), which allows pupils to combine practical vocational training (apprenticeship) with the advantages of a Matura (entitlement to study).
The Matura preparation can be started parallel to apprenticeship training. The Matura certificate entitles the holder to start a university or university of applied sciences degree programme.
Further information on the education structure is available here: - Das österreichische Bildungssystem
General high schools (AHS) – upper grade and vocational schools
14 to 18 years
After the NMS or AHS lower grade, students can continue their education at the AHS upper grade. It is four years in duration and ends with the school leaving certificate (Matura), which entitles the holder to start a university or university of applied sciences degree programme.
14 to 19 years
Higher Vocational Schools (Berufsbildende höhere Schulen/BHS) provide higher vocational training in addition to a sound general education and conclude with a maturity exam (Reifeprüfung) and a diploma (Diplomprüfung). The maturity exam (Reifeprüfung) entitles the holder to study at universities, universities of applied sciences and teacher training colleges, while the diploma (Diplomprüfung) gives access to legally regulated professions. For further studies at Austrian universities of applied sciences and universities, the law provides that relevant knowledge of graduates needs to be recognised.