Institutions & Functions
Important governmental and non-governmental institutions that help you settle in Carinthia.
It is a challenge to build a life in a new country. In order to make your first steps in Carinthia easier, we have prepared an overview of the individual institutions and their functions for you. If you need any assistance or accompaniment to one of these bodies, please contact us at
Municipal authority, district & local authority
The registration and deregistration of a place of residence is performed by the municipal authorities in Carinthia. Magistrat, body that fulfils the duties of both the municipal and the district council in statutory towns.
Bürgerservice (Citizens’ Service) in the statutory cities and Bezirkshauptmannschaft (district authority) in rural areas, are responsible for administrative processes relating to residence in Austria, for example the registration certificate. These institutions also provide information on everyday issues.

AMS - The Austrian Public Employment Service
The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) is providing labour-market related services. The purpose is to match candidates with job openings and assist jobseekers and companies by offering advice, information, qualification opportunities and financial assistance.
If you are looking for work in Austria, your first step should be to contact the public employment service of the country you are in. There, they can give you advice on finding a job in Austria.
Some of the services offered under the e-Service Zone are:
- Registration to AMS as well as online forms
- eJob-Room
- AMS Jobroboter
- EURES The European Job Mobility Portal

Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer/AK)
The Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer/AK) is the interest group for all employees in Carinthia. Apart from a few exceptions, regulations stipulate compulsory membership which is automatic when entering employment in Austria. The Chamber of Labour offers comprehensive information on topics such as workers’ rights, income and taxes, careers with a family or consumer protection.