Childcare options
From pre-nurseries and nurseries to associations and Leihomas
As you’d expect, there’s is a wide selection of childcare to choose from in our area. For pre-school children there is childcare offered by local authorities and of course an array of other providers who may offer a service at your own home or at a childminder’s. For the over 6’s there is generally after-school provision.
Childcare up to the age of 6
State-sponsored pre-nurseries and nurseries in Villach:
Villach :Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten
Sonnenstrahl (private nursery) has four different locations in Villach and has a very international approach to childcare!
One site - the International Daycare Center Villach - is within walking distance of Infineon, Villach. The website in German and English is available here Sonnenstrahl.
State-sponsored pre-nurseries and nurseries in Klagenfurt:
Standorte Kitas, Kindergärten & Horte (
Dragonfly (private nursery) – is a private English Kindergarten, English-language pre-school in Klagenfurt, set up to help 3- to 6-year-olds develop their full potential based on a multi-faceted programme in a warm, welcoming environment.
Other childcare providers
For a comprehensive list of resources please click here.
Below we give you some extra information on some of the organizations listed.
AVS is a modern service company with social responsibility. Day care centres, nurseries and childminders are listed here.
Hilfswerk is one of the most experienced and proven childcare providers in Austria.
Leihoma-Dienst (Grandma Service)
This service is for children who do not have grandparents living locally. The following organizations arrange for hired grannies to look after children by allowing families and grandmothers to get in touch with each other. Further details are available on these websites.
Der Katholische Familienverband Kärnten
Caritas is a Catholic charity. Here you can find their nurseries in Carinthia.
Uni-Gruppe is situated at the Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt.
The Project Group Integration of Foreigners is an independent association with the following objectives:
- to support migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in their social and cultural integration into Austrian society
- to reduce fear of contact and possible prejudices through encounters between Austrians and foreigners
- to make the public aware of the specific problems of foreigners.
Since 2007 PIVA has been recognised by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMUKK) as an adult education institution and certified by the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) as a course provider and exam centre for German integration courses. More information can be found here:
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Projektgruppe Frauen
PROJEKTGRUPPE FRAUEN was founded in 1984 and is a non-profit-making adult education institution and international communication centre in Klagenfurt. It is not affiliated with any religious, political or ideological groups.
The organization offers language courses, educational events, networking, encounters and cultural exchange for women from all over the world. Integration measures for migrants are aimed at women and men and include German language courses, individual support and translations. With regard to German language exams, ÖIF A2 and DTÖ A2/B1 exams take place once a month. The exams serve as proof of language skills for integration agreement, residence and citizenship.
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