BABEG – Carinthian Business & Innovation Agency
Success in Carinthia
BABEG – The Carinthian Business & Innovation Agency is the central point of contact for business, research, technology and innovation in Carinthia, south of Austria. The goal is to strengthen Carinthia as a business and research location and to promote a future-oriented innovation ecosystem.
As a driving force in the knowledge triangle ‘business, research and education’, BABEG builds innovation hubs and implements projects that promote knowledge transfer, increase competitiveness and innovation, and inspire international companies to invest in Carinthia. The aim is to grow Carinthia’s innovation hubs into eco-systems, which connect businesses, research and education in a unique way in order for each stakeholder to draw great benefits from the collaboration and foster overall success in the region.
BABEG’s spheres of action:
- Invest in Carinthia: attracting, guiding, advising and supporting international companies and entrepreneurs with the expansion of an existing company or the establishment of a new company with the aim of strengthening Carinthia’s positioning as a business location
- Innovation in Carinthia: initiating, encouraging and coordinating projects and initiatives in the fields of ‘research, technology and innovation’ with the aim of strengthening Carinthia’s positioning as a research location
- Strategic Investments: developing a forward-looking research infrastructure with strategic investments that foster innovation, supporting technology parks and non-university research centres to accelerate research and innovation, and strengthening the start-up scene with the aim of strengthening Carinthia’s positioning as a research location
- Location Management: securing the availability of attractive business locations and fully developed industrial sites with the aim of strengthening Carinthia’s positioning as a business location